By Jong Soo Lee
UMass Lowell Actuarial Studies Program Information and Launch Event
Date: Thursday, Oct. 3
Time: 5-7 p.m.
Location: Southwick 240
Please join us for the new Actuarial Studies Program Information and Launch Event, hosted by UML Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Representatives from Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, as well as faculty members from the mathematics and statistics department, will be on hand to present the actuary degree program at UML, actuarial career pathways and exam requirements, and employment and internship opportunities. You will be given opportunities to meet people and ask questions.
Tentative Agenda:
5:00-5:20 PM: Introduction to UML Actuary program (discuss courses, degree pathway, exam prep, exam fee reimbursement, etc.)
5:20-5:45 PM: Liberty Mutual/Actuarial Internship and Full-time Opportunities Overview
5:45-6:00 PM: CAS licensure vs. SOA and career tracks each can lead to and the corresponding exam paths
6:00-6:20 PM: Q&A with our actuary to discuss their role and the path that led them to their current position
6:20-7:00 PM: General Q&A (for both UML and Liberty Mutual, overall)
If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP by emailing Joshua_Gadue@uml.edu.