By Dan Riechers

Please join the Office of Research Development in a special virtual training session, "Supporting Mentees: How to Write Excellent Mentor Statements, Referee Letters, Letters of Support, and More," on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 11 a.m.-noon EST.

Please register to attend.

The session will be led by Rachel Dresbeck, Ph.D., a consultant for AtKisson Training Group and senior director of research development at Oregon Health & Science University. This training session will focus on the best ways to support grant applicants by providing strong mentor statements, letters of recommendation, and other documents that showcase the outstanding features of those you are supporting. The session will cover the following:

• The mentor-mentee support ecosystem
• Basic principles of demonstrating support
• The nuances of different kinds of support letters and statements (reference/referee letters, mentor statements, support letters)
• Best practices in asking for support
• Best practices in writing letters and statements

This training is geared to mentors who may be writing letters and statements, as well as to trainees and junior faculty.

With deadlines for graduate-specific opportunities coming up soon (like the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program), this is the perfect opportunity to learn how you can best support the students (and colleagues) you mentor.

Please email RD@uml.edu for any questions. Thank you.