By Alex Howe

The Kennedy College of Sciences, Department of Physics and Applied Physics, invites you to attend a master's thesis defense by Alex Howe (he/him) on "Validation of High Purity Germanium Detectors in GEANT4 to Experimental Gamma-ray Spectrum of Eu-152".

Candidate name: Alex Howe
Degree: MS
Defense Date: Thursday, April 4
Time: 10 to 11 a.m.
Location: Olney 136 (Department of Physics conference room) and on Zoom

Title: Validation of High Purity Germanium Detectors in GEANT4 to Experimental Gamma-ray Spectrum of Eu-152


  • Advisor Marian Jandel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Applied Physics, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Andrew Rogers, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Applied Physics, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Viktor Podolskiy, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Physics and Applied Physics, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Abstract: One application of radiation transport codes, such as MCNP and GEANT4, is predicting how detector efficiency and response change with detector geometry and source position, as well as understanding the impact of phenomena such as summing effects. These investigations provide better insight into possible shortcomings in existing experimental data and inform future measurements. In this project, the γ-ray spectrum from Eu-152 collected from experiment with two high-purity germanium coaxial detectors is used to validate a GEANT4 simulation. In addition, preliminary data on detector efficiency from the 35Cl(n, γ)36Cl reaction from neutron capture of a sample of manganese chloride is presented to extend the efficiency of the germanium detectors up to 8 MeV for later use in both experimental measurements and simulation of de-excitation of 56Mn.