By Gerry Nelson
In our effort to continuously update, optimize and improve our website, the web design team is implementing web template updates and improvements to the front and backend. Along with the visual changes, the templates will be migrated to a more robust development environment, allowing developers to add new features more quickly and efficiently.
Currently all subpages (pages layered beneath the landing pages of your website) - inherit the landing page banner image when not specifically assigned an image. This “inherit’ rule propagates the landing page image throughout the subpages even when it may not be relevant to the page content. Subpages do not require an image and limited resources and image inventory have hindered the ability to provide custom images for each banner image. This update addresses one of our goals to eliminate these non-contextual inherited images that impede visitors from quickly accessing content.
These updates will impact 90% of our inside/subpages converting them to blue banners.
- Most subpages will now have a vibrant blue banner, background parallax animation and animated yellow underline bringing the visitors eye quickly to the title, page subject and content.
- On all pages, any intro content is pulled up into the banner image and global navigation condensed, shortening the height of the image/intro space.
- Only top level, section level, or marketing related pages will be assigned a relevant banner image to an inside page if necessary.
- Existing custom banner images that are not inherited will remain on websites and if necessary, the web content and design team will assist in optimizing those banner images.
For more information and visuals visit Web Template Update.