By Eika Hunt
3:30 p.m
Coburn Hall Room 255
Guest Speaker: Christopher Donahue, Ph.D.
This session will examine current practices in the Massachusetts State Police regarding crime scene investigation. Topics will include the range of evidence that can be recovered, forensic techniques utilized, and how current technology and sciences are employed to assist in identifying suspects through such means as fingerprint and DNA analysis.
Christopher Donahue is a Massachusetts state trooper currently assigned to the Essex County State Police Detective Homicide Unit. Previously, he worked for more than 11 years in the Massachusetts State Police Crime Laboratory as a crime scene, fingerprint, footwear impression and tire-tread impression analyst. Donahue has testified as fingerprint expert in several Massachusetts court cases, most notably in the Boston Marathon bombing, Officer Sean Collier's murder and the Watertown bombing. He recently received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and Criminology from UMass Lowell.
The event is sponsored by the Criminal Justice Alumni Board and the School of Criminology and Justice Studies.
For additional information, please contact Eika_Hunt@uml.edu or 978-934-4107.