By Jason Carter
Peace and Conflict Studies invites you to a master's thesis defense for student Ivan Melendez
Friday Feb. 16, 2024
Dugan Hall, Room 204
Title: Gun-Control Laws and the Persistence of Illegal Access to Firearms through Illegal Means
Committee Chair: Ardeth Thawngmung
Committee Members: Vanessa Gray, Aaron Smith Walter
Abstract: This paper addresses gun control laws which have been long advocated for as a means to curb gun-violence in the United Stated by limiting access to firearms. This paper finds that such laws fail to achieve their intended goals due to criminals’ ability to obtain firearms through various illegal means. I will explore and discuss the reasons why gun control laws do not work nor effectively reduce gun violence in America. The first major factor that contributes to ineffective gun control is the presence of firearms black market. Criminals are able to acquire handguns, rifles, even automatic weapons by circumventing legal channels. These illegal means provide a steady supply of firearms to criminals rendering gun control laws ineffective to those intent on engaging in all sorts of criminal activity. Another venue that criminals acquire illegal firearms is through straw purchasing, where individuals who can lawfully obtain firearms purchasing them on behalf of prohibited individuals. This circumvents background checks and other regulatory measures, enabling criminals to arm themselves in the presence of gun control laws. Furthermore, there is a lack of implementation and enforcement of gun control laws across jurisdictions in America. This poses significant challenges between neighboring states which creates opportunities for criminals to exploit any loopholes to acquire illegal firearms. Moreover, there is a long-established firearms stock that contributes to the persistence of guns staying in circulation. These firearms that were acquired legally before the implication of gun control laws; therefore, criminals can tap into by means of theft or illegal resale. While gun control laws aim to reduce gun-related violence, their effectiveness is hindered by criminals’ ability to obtain firearms through illegal means.