By James Nehring
Stop by the International Fair and Poster Session on Tuesday, February 6, on the O’Leary Library Mezzanine from 10 to 11:30, a.m. and chat informally with individuals from twenty countries, including: Nepal, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cameroon, Mongolia, Ecuador, India, Egypt and more. The poster-session hosts are Fulbright fellows at UMass Lowell for a six week cultural immersion. They are all teachers back home and all speak multiple languages, including excellent English. They are very friendly, and happy to talk with you about their country! Bring a friend.
Free coffee and pastries. Tuesday, February 6, 10-11:30 a.m., on the O’Leary Library Mezzanine. Very informal. Contact Professor Jim Nehring, School of Education, with questions. Email: james_nehring@uml.edu