By John Shirley

This Saturday night, Oct. 21, UML music faculty and students will be playing downtown at Warp and Weft,  197 Market St. from 9 p.m. to midnight,

The band, John Shirley and The Lifers, play there monthly and always include guest performers. They focus on lively blues, rock and funk ... with a smidge of punk.

Come eat, drink and take part in the good times, with no cover.

The lineup is:

Andy Fordyce (UML faculty) - drums
Charles Gabriel (UML faculty) - bass
Mike Giordano (Berklee) - guitar
John Shirley (UML faculty) - vocals, harmonica, guitar

Plus other exciting guest performers from UML, including:

Chris Lee (UML faculty) - percussion
Tyrus Wilson (UML student) - guitar
Kevin Gallagher (UML student) - sax
Graham Nasson (UML student) - guitar