By Hsien-Yuan Hsu

You are invited to join the AY23-24 UML Center for Health Statistics Seminar Series.

Date: Oct. 11
Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
Location: Coburn Hall 275

Title: Economic Evaluation of Precision Health - Healthcare System Perspective

Jing Hao, Ph.D., M.D., MS, MPH is an Associate Professor at Department of Population Health Sciences and Department of Genomic Health at Geisinger. Her research focuses on economic evaluation and health services research on healthcare programs that aim to improve patient outcomes through promoting personalized/precision health, especially in areas of cancer and ASCVD screening and prevention and genomic sequencing. She serves as MPI, site-PI and co- Investigator on multiple NIH funded R01 and U01 projects in the field. Hao is serving in a leadership role at the Precision Medicine and Advanced Therapies Scientific Interest Group (SIG) at ISPOR. She is a recipient of the 2017 Early Career Investigator Award from the Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN). She earned her medical degree from Shanxi Medical University, an M.S. in Immunology from Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine in China. She received M.P.H. and Ph.D. in Health Policy and Management from University of Massachusetts Amherst. And she was a 2014 AcademyHealth Delivery System Science Fellow at Geisinger.

Precision health may tailor health interventions to patients’ individual characteristics including genetics, needs, and preferences during all stages of care, from prevention, diagnosis, to treatment, and follow-up. Precision health offers many promises such as addressing heterogeneity, providing targeted health service with the potential of better patient health outcomes. However, the potential concerns can involve high costs of test, uncertainty and misinterpretation of results, and potential harms from false positive or false negative test results. Economic evaluation is a methodology that balances costs and consequences comparing two or more interventions and can provide an evidence-base to support/improve decision-making on the use of precision health. This presentation will use two NIH R01 funded projects as case examples to illustrate the application of economic evaluation in precision health to 1) provide evidence on new precision health approach to inform decision-making of adoption and guideline recommendations and 2) provide evidence on precision health approach with existing evidence and guideline recommendations to support decision-making of implementation in healthcare settings.