By Patricia Coffey

The city of Lowell is undertaking its first ever Housing Production Plan, a sister document to the Lowell Forward Comprehensive Master Plan. To inform this plan, we’ve created a Homes, Housing, and Community Survey to ask people living inside and outside Lowell about their preferences, goals, and needs. These answers will guide the goals of these two documents, which will work together to advise City staff, elected officials, partner nonprofits, and others in changing policy, zoning, investments, and more.

The survey is extended until Sept. 22 for students, staff, and faculty that live, work, or study in Lowell! 

Survey available in:

English - bit.ly/lowellhomes
ភាសាខ្មែរ - bit.ly/lowellhomeskhmer
Português - bit.ly/lowellhomesportuguese
Español - bit.ly/lowellhomesspanish