By Michael Roundy

On Saturday, Sept. 16, the Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race will be returning to the streets of Lowell for its sixth year. This race of human-powered, all-terrain sculptures starts on Market Street at 11 a.m., making their way down the cobblestones of Middle Street (Bone Shaker Alley) and head to the Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union (next to the Tsongas Arena) where they attempt to make it through a 50 foot long, 8 inch deep mudpit. 

Should they survive the Maddening Mudpit, they head across the University bridge onto north campus and make their way to the Heritage State Park on Pawtucket Blvd. to go down the boat ramp and into the Merrimack River to navigate to the beach and then onto the finish line back on Market Street. Post race awards and celebrations start at 5pm on Market Street.

Go to lowellkinetic.com for more information.