By Rosemarie Buxton

Now there are two opportunities to come and gather at the end of the semester!

Union of Adjunct Faculty Social Gathering
Monday, Dec. 12, 5 to 6:30 p.m.
North Campus Lydon Library, Room 110

Come celebrate the last day of classes with adjunct faculty
on South Campus!

Union of Adjunct Faculty Social Gathering
Thursday, Dec. 15, 1:30 to 3 p.m.
South Campus -Coburn Hall, Room 275

Either day - It is time to celebrate this exciting time to be part of the Union of Adjunct Faculty!
Time for adjunct faculty to celebrate in solidarity the end of a semester and the beginning of contract negotiations!
As we begin to prepare for bargaining our new contract, let's gather to share concerns, meet new members, and new union leadership, and just unwind a bit, with the help of some holiday sweets.

To RSVP, email unionofadjunctfacultyatuml@gmail.com

Looking forward to seeing and hearing from you!

Ellen Michaud Martins, President, Music Dept.
Rosemarie Buxton, Vice-President, English Dept.
Patrick Lochelt, Recording Secretary, English Dept.