By Basil Vanderbie

The Francis College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, invites you to attend a master’s thesis defense by Basil Vanderbie on "Printed Silver Multi-Layer Metasurfaces on Quartz FIber Subtrate."

Candidate Name: Basil Vanderbie
Degree: Master's
Date: Monday, Nov. 21, 2022
Time: 3 to 4 p.m. EST
Location: ETIC 445, Mark & Elisia Saab Emerging Technologies and Innovation Center, North Campus
Those interested in attending via Zoom should contact Corey_Shemelya@uml.edu at least 24 hours prior to the defense to request access to the meeting.

Thesis Title: "Printed Silver Multi-Layer Metasurfaces on Quartz FIber Subtrate"


  • Advisor Corey Shemelya, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Oshadha K Ranasingha, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Joel M. Therrien, Ph.D., Associate Chair for Graduate MS Programs, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Brief Abstract:
The performance and properties of a multilayer meta-surface are highly dependent on the alignment of its elements. Now depending on the fabrication method this could present minimal issues such as in the case where the layers are fabricated separately, and the alignment can be done after the fact. However, for the purposes of this project that is not the case as these systems are intended to emulate structural components such as radomes with meta-structures embedded fully or partially inside them. Due to this the fabrication process would have to additive, specifically for this case with conductive structures being printed using an aerosol-jet system. This also allows for fabrication on curved structures such as radomes. Also, the low-loss composite radome material used as a substrate is optically opaque, requiring indirect alignment techniques. The meta-surfaces designed for this project are designed to have a response in X-band, 8-12 GHz, which is both relevant to the application of use in a radome and allowing for possible verification of alignment through RF-testing and comparison with simulation data.