By Mary Lou Kelly

The Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the Manning School of Business invites you to attend a doctoral dissertation proposal defense by Yiping Li on “The Role of Word Familiarity in Marketing Communication.”

Doctoral Candidate: Yiping Li
Defense Date: Monday, Nov. 28, 2022
Time: 1 – 3 p.m. EST
Location: Via Zoom
Dissertation title: The Role of Word Familiarity in Marketing Communication

Dissertation Committee Members:

  • Ann Kronrod, Ph.D., Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Chair)
  • Mark Yi-Cheon Yim, Ph.D., Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
  • Tao (Tony) Gao, Ph.D., Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
    Sarah Moore, Ph.D., Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law, University of Alberta


Language is developing and novel, unfamiliar words keep emerging and appearing in user-generated content. In particular, the internet is a special communicative environment in which language is undergoing changes. Consequently, online users may encounter words that are less familiar to them. How is the more familiar and less familiar language used in online content, and what might be the outcomes of higher and lower word familiarity on reactions to online content? Addressing this question, this dissertation aims to investigate the effect of word familiarity in user-generated content (UGC) from the writers’ and the readers’ perspectives.

All interested students and faculty members are invited to attend the online defense via remote access.