By Frank Gelsomini
The Kennedy College of Sciences, Department of Physics, invites you to attend a master’s thesis defense by Frank J. Gelsomini on “Longitudinal waves in mid to low register piano strings."
Candidate: Frank Gelsomini
Degree: Master’s
Defense Date: Monday, Nov. 14, 2022
Time: 5 to 6 p.m.
Location: Olney Hall 115, North Campus
Thesis/Dissertation Title: Longitudinal waves in mid to low register piano strings
- Advisor: Herbert Fox, Physics, UML
- Andriy Danylov, Physics, UML
- Kavitha Chandra, Computer & Electrical Engineering, UML
Longitudinal vibrations play a critical role in the piano’s timbre. While the audible presence of longitudinal waves has been perceived in the acoustic output of pianos for some time, a renewed interest in recent decades has inspired piano technicians and acousticians alike to investigate the generation and properties of these prominent tones. The work presented in this thesis is the result of a careful examination of the accepted literature and includes a correction to a long withstanding error in the calculation of the longitudinal wave speed as well as an alternative method for obtaining equations of motion. The Euler Lagrange equations are developed through use of the Lagrangian density with supplemental geometric constructions and treating the string as simply connected. The equations of motion are produced for various pairs of coordinates that align with the vertical axis, static string axis, and a coordinate along the string itself.