By Richard Meiklejohn

The Acorn Innovation Grant supports principal investigators at Massachusetts research universities who seek to demonstrate the viability of their technology. Awards could be used to: 

  1. further develop a prototype, 
  2. gather additional data to demonstrate proof of concept, or 
  3. obtain data to compare the technology to existing technologies and show its competitive advantages.

Acorn Awards are designed to fund small, rapidly accomplishable projects that will enable researchers to obtain further funding for additional proof of concept or commercialization. Applicants must be Principal Investigators at a Massachusetts research university, with the technology disclosed to their institution. As the awards are small, no overhead can be applied for in the budget. Up to 12 awards ($16,250 each) will be granted.

Applications due with a 3-minute pitch video on Oct. 28. For more info and to apply, visit the MassVentures website.