By Lizzie Casanave

The School of Education invites you to attend an Ed.D. Dissertation Defense by Samantha McGuane on “Leveraging a Professional Learning Community to Support Freshmen with an Integrated Approach to EF and SEL.”

Date: April 15, 2022
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: This will be a virtual dissertation defense via Zoom. Those interested in attending should contact James_Nehring@uml.edu to request access to the Zoom link.

Dissertation Chair: James Nehring, Ed.D., Faculty Chair, Professor, School of Education, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Dissertation Committee:

  • David Troughton, Ed.D., Adjunct Professor, School of Education, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Katharine Covino, Ed.D.

The social emotional needs of ninth grade students transitioning into Central Tech are not being met with consistent and effective support, thus, students are experiencing less academic success and more emotional distress than is necessary. Students identified as high needs or Title 1 are receiving tiers 2 and 3 level academic and social emotional supports; however, research consistently suggests that all students can benefit from explicit instruction in social-emotional learning and executive function skill development. Taking on more responsibility for academic success requires capacity building and encouragement, and without that, the potentially cumulative disadvantages for life can be significant. An integrated approach to noncognitive skill building can serve to protect against the negative effects of the transition into high school. Deep learning can only occur when students are mentally fit—have a positive sense of how they feel, think, and act—thus it is advantageous for students, families, schools, and the community if lessons are more focused on the whole student. Ideally, according to research, tier 1 supports should be infused across academic content, as a foundational teaching practice in safe and supportive schools. This study acknowledges the challenges particular to a technical vocational high school experience and recommends protectors specific to the students transitioning into Central Tech. The goal is to develop and analyze the work of a PLC that is tasked with embedding tier 1 supports into their curriculum and with developing anti-deficit viewpoints for systemic classroom level changes. The results of this study will inform future practice intended to help ninth graders navigate and manage this life change for improved well-being and academic achievement at Central Tech.