By Kerry Donohoe
Jodi hopes to help the Disability Services team new home in Academic Services reach new heights and is off to a great start. With student success and retention at the forefront, Jodi plans to expand the many ways this office supports student including an enhanced collaboration with faculty and staff, reducing disability stigma, and increasing campus-wide disability understanding and appreciation. Prior to this position, some of Jodi’s work experience includes: the founding Director of Accessibility Services at Merrimack College, Disability Specialist at Brandeis University, School Counselor at the Learning Prep School, Director of Residential Life and Student Services for the Threshold Program at Lesley University, and private practice therapist.
Learn more about Jodi from her web profile and reach out to her directly at Jodi_Rachins@uml.edu. The Disability Services team is excited to continue the many existing collaborations on campus and to forge new ones in our collective efforts to increase accessibility and support students’ success.