By Sara Marks
In honor of Black History Month, the UMass Lowell University Library has created a LibGuide and book display in order to raise awareness for this important history, which includes some stories that happened right here in Lowell. As seen in the LibGuide: Profiles in Courage: African Americans in Lowell archive, it is discussed what importance African-Americans had throughout Lowell.
Other LibGuides include:
Both Lydon and O’Leary libraries have special book displays featuring books about Black history and people of Lowell, O’Leary’s display specifically includes Hidden in Plain Sight: Stories of Black Lowell by the Free Soil Arts Collective. The library will be co-hosting them with the Office of Multicultural Affairs for a panel discussion on Feb. 23.
Other book titles to look for at each display include: "March: Book One," "March: Book Two," "March: Book Three," "Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America," "Stamped from the Beginning," "On Juneteenth," and "Urban Legends: The South Bronx in Representation and Ruin."