By Richard Doria

Greetings River Hawks!

Happy New Year and Welcome Back! The Office of Student & Family Support Services is pleased to announce the launch of UML Strive! The goal of UML Strive is to ensure access for students so that their basic life needs can be met (housing, food, and personal care). This pandemic has changed the environment of many of our campus community. Food and housing insecurity has become an increasing concern. As a River Hawk, you should never have to be faced with the decision of whether you eat because you need to pay bills. UML Strive encompasses various resources that both include food, housing, textbook assistance, and additional support resources.

We are also pleased to relaunch the UML Strive Pantry. This is a resource that many of our campus utilizes when facing food insecurity, but we also provide personal care products as well. Updated hours can be found on our website.

We invite you to visit our webpage and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

If you are experiencing food insecurity, you may also be eligible to receive meal swipes through the SOS Meal Swipe program. Please visit our website to learn more about the program and/or apply through our online application!

If you have any questions, please let us know. Welcome back to campus and we have a wonderful semester!