By Jon Victorine
Effective Monday, Nov. 8 the Cumnock Lot will become a metered parking lot for all faculty/staff, students, and visitors to the university. This change will allow convenient short-term parking in addition to the existing Standish Metered Lot on North Campus. Utilizing the recently announced ParkMobile solution, individuals using this 18 parking space lot will be able to park for 30-120 minutes.
Please note the following:
- Individuals with parking permits are not allowed to park in this lot without paying the posted rate between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday-Friday. No payment is required on weekends and between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. on weekdays.
- Parking is limited to a two-hour maximum per day to support short-term parking for all individuals.
- Posted reserved parking such as cabinet members, service vehicles and accessible parking, will be strictly enforced.
- Guest codes are unfortunately not available for this lot.
For information about the Cumnock Lot, ParkMobile, or other metered parking lots, please visit the UCAPS website. For any questions about parking please email UCAPS@uml.edu.