By Sara Marks

For Indigenous Peoples Day and the approach of November as National Native American Heritage Month, the University Library has created a LibGuide and book display to broaden awareness of this important history as it relates to our region.

Native American History Resources for the Merrimack Valley and Beyond is a dynamic resource that will expand as more items and collections are added and serve as a hub for a wide array of resources ranging from eBooks to timelines.

Both Lydon and O'Leary libraries have special book displays featuring books about the indigenous communities and people of the Merrimack Valley. Each library features a different collection to make sure to visit each library to see the complete collection.

You can also learn more about Native American history through UMass Lowell’s series of programs and events celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day.

This collection was curated with the help of Christoph Strobel, Robert Forrant, Alice Nash, Bridget Cooley, Allison Estell, Anthony M. Sampas and Meg Shields.