By Paulette Renault Caragianes

As classes continue and faculty and staff learn formally or informally of confirmed cases of COVID-19 or possible contacts, please remember to review the established FAQ for faculty as well as the FAQ for supervisors and employees for guidance on responding to a variety of more likely scenarios.

As the pandemic has changed, so too has public health guidance as well as the university’s response and these FAQs, along with the university’s COVID-19 website holistically, reflect the most current information.

All members of the university community are expected to conduct the Daily Symptom Checker and stay home or in their residence hall room if they have one or more symptoms.

In all cases, students who have a confirmed case of COVID-19 or who are experiencing symptoms should call or be instructed to contact Health Services staff via the Symptom Reporting Line (978-934-2682 or Student_SymptomReporting@uml.edu).

Employees who receive a positive test should notify their supervisor and contact HR at covid19hr@uml.edu.

Faculty interacting with students and managers interacting with employees will need to continue to exercise flexibility as COVID-19 continues to impact our campus community members and their families.