By Randolph Tyndall
Come join in and learn about the technology in both the classroom and virtually. Links are provided for these short sessions (usually an hour) and don't require registration.
Using an iPad (and other devices) wirelessly in the Classroom
Aug. 11, 10 a.m.
Don’t be bothered by cables, dongles and the like by connecting an iPad or any other device wirelessly to the classroom display. There are multiple ways to connect wirelessly: Mirroring360, Zoom, Airtame, etc.
Lecture Capture Overview
Aug. 11 a.m. – 2pm
This overview for lecture capture will walk you through and explain how to request recording your course(s) and show you the end results. I will show and explain options available, plus talk about the differences between the two platforms (Echo360 and Mediasite). Zoom hasn’t gone away either, so we will talk about Zoom in the classroom.
Lecture Capture Overview (Repeat session)
Aug. 16, 2 p.m.
This overview for lecture capture will walk you through and explain how to request recording your course(s) and show you the end results. I will show and explain options available, plus talk about the differences between the two platforms (Echo360 and Mediasite). Zoom hasn’t gone away either, so we will talk about Zoom in the classroom.
Whiteboarding with (and without) Students
Aug. 17, 2 p.m.
Need to write on a whiteboard? How about a virtual one with unlimited space? We will show the various whiteboarding apps available where you can use a blank whiteboard, annotate existing materials, and even ask for participants to join you, making it a collaborative application.
Zoom Tips & Tricks
Aug. 18, 2 p.m.
Zoom has changed everything over the past year for everyone, but Zoom has made changes throughout the year and you might not be aware of these changes. The newer features will be covered but bring any Zoom questions that you might have. Topics to be discussed include-
Virtual background
Powerpoint slides as a background
Recording- to the cloud or locally; issues & solutions
Retaining a recording (120 days), backup to lecture capture platform
Explain Everything – iPad, Windows and Android-based application
Aug. 23, 2 p.m.
Need to use something more than a virtual whiteboard? EE does that and more, including making your own recordings, animation or showing a process, and more, including collaboration tools if you need it. We will step through the various licenses available for Explain Everything, demonstrate EE and point you to some resources available to you.
Blackboard Grade Center
Aug. 23, 10-11:30 a.m.
Learn how to setup your Blackboard grade center so that it will calculate your students grades for you and allow your students to see how they are doing in your course.
Blackboard Beginners
Aug. 24, 10-11:30 a.m.
Learn the basics on how to setup your course and use Blackboard here at UML.
Classroom Security Changes
Aug. 24, 2 p.m.
Because of a recent network outage, there are some substantial security changes that have been put into place. Some things we’ll talk about:
- the Thawed space on the classroom computer
- joining Eduroam & some apps.
- authentication
Editing Your Recordings
Aug. 25, 10 a.m.
Yes, your course recordings are stellar, but occasionally you might need to edit a recording, whether it be trimming a portion of the recordings or you might need to do more advanced editing. We will cover your needs and what solutions are available.
Instructional Technology Open Forum
Aug. 20, Aug. 27, Aug. 30 and every week starting on Sept. 9
10 a.m. - Noon
After a successful run during this past Spring semester, Mac Wishart and Randy Tyndall will host an open forum where you can ask questions concerning just about any technology for the classroom and instructional use. We will demonstrate how things work as well. If we don’t know, we will find out an answer for you!
- Aug. 20 & 27
- Aug. 30
- Sept. 9 and onward
Questions? Contact Randy_tyndall@uml.edu.