By Jon Victorine

With state and federal guidelines regarding COVID mitigation being lifted, requests for card access will return to normal effective immediately. Submission of these requests will no longer need to be submitted to www.uml.edu/AccessRequest.

Department Directors and Chairs, Principal Investigators (PIs), and other pre-approved individuals may now request access to their card readers by e-mail to UCAPS@uml.edu for processing. Research access will be limited to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Saturday and non-research access will be limited to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday unless otherwise requested with a justification.

The tenant manager program where trained individuals can set access for their approved readers will return during the week of July 11, however most 24/7 access will continue to be processed by UCAPS. UCAPS will be working directly with these individuals to reinstate this program.