By Lisa Armstrong

The Deshpande Symposium is an annual gathering of higher education thought leaders and visionaries discussing best practices in entrepreneurship education, university research commercialization and campus-wide development and support of entrepreneurial ecosystems. 

Join us at this year's Symposium on June 10-11, 2021 as we host a live virtual event! Look for the compelling content you’ve come to expect from the Deshpande Symposium! Plan to attend an online conference that will renew your passion for growing entrepreneurship opportunities for your students, your institutions, and your communities. Hear about the latest initiatives peer institutions have launched to accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship at their colleges and universities around the world.

This year's first keynote speaker is Sethuraman Panchanathan, director of the National Science Foundation. The second keynote is Gilda A. Barabino, president of Olin College of Engineering and Professor of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering.

We hope you’ll join us! Register online at www.deshpandesymposium.org. Complimentary registrations available.