By Sokny Long
The Francis College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, invites you to attend a doctoral proposal defense by Ainaz Ghafary Aghdam on “Double-pointed Optical Antenna and Shortwave Infrared Avalanche Photodiode.”
Ph.D. Candidate Name: Ainaz Ghafary Aghdam
Defense Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Time: 10 to 11 a.m.
Location: This will be a virtual defense via Zoom. Those interested in attending should contact Ainaz_GhafaryAghdam@student.uml.edu and Xuejun_Lu@uml.edu at least 24 hours prior to the defense to request access to the meeting.
Committee Chair (Advisor): Xuejun Lu, Professor, Electrical and computer Engineering, UMass Lowell
Committee Members:
- Xingwei Wang, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UMass Lowell
- Guiru Gu, Associate Professor of Physics, Stonehill College
- Tricia Chigan, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UMass Lowell
Brief Abstract:
A new double-pointed optical antenna in the longwave infrared spectral regime is reported and characterized. A new Avalanche photodetector is fabricated and all of characteristics of this photodetector are measured at room temperature.
All interested students and faculty members are invited to attend the online defense via remote access.