By Wallace Millner

Public arts professionals have responded in novel and compelling ways to the pandemic, the summer’s protests over police killings, and the political unrest following the presidential election. The professions of public humanities and arts administration are in the process of being reshaped by these events.

Please join us for a virtual conversation about these issues with two recent graduates of UMass Lowell’s Public Humanities and Arts Administration MA Program:

  • Christian Hernandez, Program Assistant and Grant Administrator for the Lowell Cultural Council, Lowell;
  • Danielle Moriarty, Associate Director of Cultural Development, Newton.

UML Professors Kirsten Swenson (Art History) and Michael Millner (English and American Studies) will moderate the discussion, which is open to all, and especially those interested in learning more about a career at arts and humanities organizations, agencies and institutions.

This dialogue is a wonderful opportunity learn more about the arts administration degree at UMass Lowell.

Thursday, Jan. 28, 5 to 6 p.m., on Zoom
Meeting ID: 965 8444 9715
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For more information, please contact michael_millner@uml.edu.