Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ)+ Workshop Descriptions

Ally Space

Ally Space offers all of the information of LGBTQ+101 with an additional component focusing on ally behavior. During this workshop participants learn behaviors associated with being an ally and are given an opportunity to practice being an ally via scenarios and role playing. Participants leave the workshop having outlined a personal ally plan that they can then put into action.

Exploring Gender Identity & Expression

Exploring Gender Identity & Expression offers basic information related to gender identity and the trans/gender non-conforming community. Topics covered include vocabulary/terminology, and overview of Trans issues on campus and in our country, and information on cisgender privilege.

LGBTQ+ 101

LGBTQ+ 101 offers basic information related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. Topics covered in LGBTQ+ 101 include vocabulary/terminology, the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, common misperceptions and stereotypes, and ways to be supportive of the LGBTQ+ community on campus. This program is given in the context of the UMass Lowell community and is framed by the university’s pillar of global engagement and inclusive culture.

LGBTQ+ Identity Development

LGBTQ+ Identity Development gives participants an overview of prominent theories and models of development related to the LGBTQ+ college population. During the workshop participants are led through activities applying the tenants of LGBTQ+ identity development theory to their own experiences and work with students.

Request a Specialized Training

The LGBTQ+ Resource Center can conduct a training to meet the needs of your club, organization, classroom, or office! If you are interested in scheduling a specialized training, please email: LGBTQ_Resources@uml.edu.