Disabilities, both physical and learning, are sometimes looked at as becoming more complex through life for young adults as they step into the demands of new roles and responsibilities. Students with disabilities frequently encounter such struggles during their college experience. Most of these students have relied on the support of parents and family throughout their K-12 education. When entering a higher educational institute, the development of self-advocacy skills is essential.

Once in college, students are responsible for self-identification and self-advocacy. Effective self-advocates must learn to understand their particular type of learning disability, the resultant academic strengths and weaknesses, and their individual learning styles. Most importantly, they need to become comfortable with describing to others both their disabilities and their academic needs.

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Please note: The Counseling Center does not focus on academics or academic accommodations. Students are welcomed into the Counseling Center to discuss the emotional struggles surrounding their academics and personal life. To receive academic accommodations and time-management and organizational support, please contact Student Disability Services.