By Joe Hartman

Congratulations to all faculty members who received their Department’s Teaching Excellence Award for the academic year 2021-2022. All awardees demonstrated a well-articulated teaching philosophy that has developed through methodical examination and improvement of teaching and learning in addition to a sustained impact on student learning both in and out of the classroom.

Kennedy College of Sciences

Biological Sciences
Natalie Steinel
Johanna Choo
Kim Shih
Michael Ross
Computer Science
James Daly
Sashank Narain
Environmental, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Christopher Skinner
Mathematical Sciences
Daniel Klain
James Graham-Eagle
Physics & Applied Physics
Peter Bender
Chandrika Narayan

College of Fine Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Art & Design
Padmini Chandrasekaran
David Kingsley
Dina Bozicas
Katherine Flowers
Chad Montrie
Janet Welby
Whitley Kaufman
Alison McConwell
Political Science
Morgan Marietta
Jana Sladkova
Yan Wang
School of Criminology & Justice Studies
Claire (Seungeun) Lee
Angela Callahan
School of Education
Sumudu Lewis
Iman Chahine
Chandra Waring
World Languages & Cultures
Kristen Stern

Manning School of Business

Stefanie Tate
Karen Jingrong Lin
Steven Freund
Chi Zhang
Jose Godinez
Jose Mauricio Geleilate
Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Mark Yim
Operations and Information Systems
Nichalin Summerfield

Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences

Biomedical & Nutritional Sciences
Michelle Williams
Shannon Kelleher
Physical Therapy & Kinesiology
David Cornell
Public Health
Serena Rajabiun
Solomont School of Nursing
Lisa Marchand
Ramraj Gautam

Francis College of Engineering

Biomedical Engineering
Chiara Ghezzi
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Raj Kumar Gondle
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Cory Shemelya
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Paul Robinette
Mechanical Engineering
David Willis
Ertan Agar
Plastics Engineering
Wan-Ting (Grace) Chen