By Ellen Anstey

The Tsongas Industrial History Center’s summer day camps offer loads of summer fun. Dreamers, doers, movers and makers – come “mill around” with us as you explore history, science, and nature.

This year we are offering the following weeks of day camp:

Boott Mills Camp
July 11-15 or July 25-29
(Ages 8-12)
Play, create, and discover – on a trolley, by boat, and on foot. You’ll weave by hand, create amazing works of art, and become a hydropower engineer. You’ve never had so much fun with history.

July 18-22
(Ages 10-14)
Have fun being green on our big blue planet.
Spend a week with other explorers as we investigate pockets of wilderness in Lowell and beyond. Go canoeing on a lazy river, explore tide-pools, and have fun learning about the world outside our windows.

The cost is just $185 per week. Find out more and register today on our Summer Camp website.

The Tsongas Industrial History Center is an education partnership between the University of Massachusetts Lowell School of Education and the National Park Service at Lowell National Historical Park.