Certain individuals appear to succeed against all odds. Despite severe hardships such as living through war, witnessing the death of a loved one, having a chronic illness, being a victim of abuse, or dealing with unemployment, certain people not only adapt but actually thrive. These people possess a quality known as “resilience.” This workshop will examine the characteristics of resilience and discover ways to introduce greater resilience into our lives.
Workshop Objectives
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Describe what resilience really is
• Describe the concept of resilience as it relates to children and adults
• Describe the characteristics of resilient people
• Describe how emotional control, self-awareness, and strong relationships relate to resiliency
Identify your own resilient capacities
• Identify your unique resilient strengths and areas for development
• Recognize which situations are most stressful
Describe resilience-building strategies
• Describe techniques to enhance resilience through changing your perception, taking decisive action, and engaging in appropriate self-care
This Webinar will be facilitated by ComPsych.