WindSTAR Webinar: Evolving to Support a Low-Carbon Transformation

On Tuesday, October 11 from 11 a.m. to noon, Brandon Fitchett will join WindSTAR to present "Evolving: How renewables plants will need to change to support an economical low-carbon energy transformation". 

Companies, countries, and whole continents are committing to various versions of zero carbon or net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050.  EPRI will present some hypothetical electricity and power system transformational scenarios with stages at 2030, 2040, and 2050 that could lead to such targets.  In all cases, wind and solar expand drastically.  In many cases, hydrogen, storage, and nuclear also play a role in the longer-term.  Renewables plants, specifically, will need to be built more productive, more reliable, and more flexible than ever before.  EPRI will present some renewables research challenges and technology directions needed to support the future power system.

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