The Departmental Consultation Process fosters an adaptable process that recognizes both the distinct and common challenges among disciplines. The ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity provides consultation in assessment, goal setting, action planning. The ADVANCE OFE also monitors the progress and helps to integrate successful strategies into on-going departmental practices.”

Focusing efforts at the departmental level is important for promoting gender and racial/ethnic equity at the university. In particular, increasing understanding of specific departmental issues and establishing department-specific approaches can be invaluable for reducing microaggressions and other forms of bias as well as for increasing supports for greater diversity inclusion.

Thus, the ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity & Resilience (OFER) team partners with departments to engage them in a process of self-assessment, goal setting, action planning, and annual re-assessment. This Department Equity Action Team (DEAT) process communicates and incentivizes a shared responsibility for promoting gender and racial/ethnic equity.

Departments interested in the DEAT process work with ADVANCE OFER to:

  1. Form an action team of interested faculty members
  2. Conduct a self-assessment through interviews and surveys
  3. Engage the full department in a discussion of the assessment results
  4. Establish equity goals and identify annual benchmarks for assessing progress
  5. Design their own action plan and an organizational structure for ongoing monitoring of progress