Study Abroad participants often call their experiences "life changing." UMass Lowell students have studied in 25 countries and we have partnerships with 120 institutions around the world. Read the news and meet our students.

In this global economy, all students should take advantage of the opportunities that studying abroad can offer them — a chance to experience another culture, travel, meet people from all over the world and possibly learn another language. UMass Lowell students have studied in more than 23 countries. Students who wish to study abroad in their sophomore, junior, or senior year should get started as early as the freshman year with planning a semester, year, or summer abroad.

Study Abroad participants often call their experiences "life changing" and that's not an overstatement.  You'll have the opportunity to enhance language skills, complete degree requirements, make an impact on a developing community and build your professional network as borders and boundaries dissolve. Study abroad is a stepping stone on the road to your academic and career goals, providing you the knowledge, perspectives and understanding of yourself in relation to the world.

Meet Our Students

Moniphal Bing '16

Moniphal Bing was able to study abroad in Cambodia, which his parents fled before he was born, through a new partnership with the American University of Phnom Penh.

UMass Lowell provided the rare opportunity to actually go to Cambodia and experience my family heritage.
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Scott Penfield drives a retro pink convertible filled with four passengers in Cuba.
Scott Penfield '22
Mechanical Engineering

Honors mechanical engineering major Scott Penfield has traveled extensively on two continents besides North America – and hopes to add a fourth before long.

Applying to UMass Lowell was almost a no-brainer. It’s close to home, it’s good value and it has a good engineering program.
Read More About Scott Penfield 
Matthew Levenson in London
Matthew Levenson '19
Criminal Justice

Criminal justice major Matt Levenson loves an adventure and a challenge—and he’s bent on seizing every opportunity he can while at UMass Lowell.

Whenever you’ve got an opportunity, you’ve got to take advantage of it.
Read More About Matthew Levenson 
Corrina Quaglietta abd four other study abroad students pose for a photo in front of the sun setting on a beach in San Sebastian, Spain
Corrina Quaglietta '19

Honors nursing student Corrina Quaglietta studied abroad in San Sebastian, Spain, the summer after her freshman year. The experience turned her into a huge booster of study abroad.

I really think that in college, study abroad is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Read More About Corrina Quaglietta 
Biology and economics major Caroline DeSouza diving off the coast of the Colombian island of San Andrés.
Caroline DeSouza '24
Biological Sciences, Economics

A research opportunity helped Caroline DeSouza see that marine biology was an attainable career.

It’s great to have a mentor who understands what it’s like to be a woman in biology.
Read More About Caroline DeSouza 
Gerrit Boldt sits at a round table with UMass Lowell students
Gerrit Boldt '17
History & Economics

Honors history and economics major Gerrit Boldt landed an internship at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, working with cities to improve conditions for low-income residents. Now he’s back on campus as an AmeriCorps volunteer, helping first-generation college students succeed.

There are few teaching assistants, so the professors do most of the teaching, and they’re excited to engage with students and share their knowledge. It’s a hallmark of the university.
Read More About Gerrit Boldt 
UMass Lowell student Andre DiFilippo skydives
Andre DiFilippo '19
Marketing & Management

After making his mark at UML as Student Government Association president, Manning School of Business senior Andre DiFilippo is excited to get started on a sales career.

I’m thankful every day that I chose UMass Lowell. Seeing how much I’ve personally grown and how much the university has grown in my four years here has been unbelievable.
Read More About Andre DiFilippo 
Chemical engineering student Nicholas Langberg presenting on stage
Nicholas Langberg '20
Chemical Engineering

By working with the Office of International Experiences & Study Abroad, chemical engineering major Nicholas Langberg was able to add a two-month internship to his summer school program in Germany.

It ended up being one of the best experiences of my life. Not only was I able to have this great experience abroad, but I was able to gain real-world experience in my field of study.
Read More About Nicholas Langberg 
Dana Ibrahim, second from left in front, and fellow students touch a statue on street in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Dana Ibrahim '20, '21
Peace and Conflict Studies & Political Science

Dana Ibrahim chose UMass Lowell for its peace and conflict studies program, which lets her combine classes across the social sciences and humanities to suit her goal: to become a diplomat and aid refugees.

You’re not just getting a degree; you’re building your future as you go.
Read More About Dana Ibrahim 
Franchesca Arias takes a selfie in Spain during her study abroad program with a group of students and Assoc. Teaching Prof. Thomas Piñeros-Shields
Franchesca Arias '20
Sociology & Spanish

Honors student Franchesca Arias is passionate about studying abroad after completing a summer program in Valencia, Spain.

Study abroad is one of those life-changing experiences. When you’re immersed in the culture, you realize you have the ability to learn every single aspect of that culture and what they’re going through socially and politically.
Read More About Franchesca Arias 

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